The School District of Winter Welcomes You!
District Administration

Dr. Andrew Grimm, District Administrator and Superintendent of 4K-12 Winter Schools
715-266-3301 ext. 2250
About Our School District
A Love for Our Area
Lovingly and colloquially referred as the "Jewel of the North," Winter, Wisconsin is both small in size and in number- but a big in heart and love for our students, staff, and our community. We naturally are survivors and warriors of the north, where many people have to be naturally more heartier- but it is a great place to live and grow with our great community.
The School District of Winter is located in beautiful Northern Wisconsin- if Wisconsin had a heart, Winter would be at the very top of the heart of the North. Winter is home to thousands of acres of lakes, rivers, streams, and forests. In our backyard, we have the famous Chippewa Flowage and many of the Hayward Lakes not far from us.
Our home offers many outdoor amenities that many take part in that travel from many distances. The Heart of the Tuscobia Trail runs through many miles of our county. From our numerous lakes, rivers, and streams (most with easy public access) for fishing, boating, and water sports; to tens of thousands of acres of National, State, and paper company forest land open for hunting; to hundreds of miles of snowmobile, ATV, hiking, and cross country skiing trails; to well-marked fall color tours; to quaint shopping; to peaceful camping; to community festivals, arts and crafts fair, and flea markets; and so much more; this area has it all. Even with all of this, there isn't the overbearing crowds that most other four season vacationlands have.

Shana Lindquist, Principal of 4K-12 Winter Schools
715-266-3301 ext. 2245
About Our District
The Winter School District is large and rural. We educate about 275 students in one PK-12 building. The Winter School District spans some 660 square miles. Little Warrior Academy-4K students are afforded the opportunity to participate in full day programming through a partnership with LCO Headstart.
Our School District also offers an after school program called STAR that is funded with a 21st Century Learning Center Grant. It actively has many of our students involved with enrichment opportunities and it is continued on with our very dedicated staff.
Honoring Opportunities and Academics
Our small class sizes afford our students the opportunity to receive individual instruction and guidance to becoming a more well-rounded citizen of the 21st Century.
Students are able to take a variety courses; Advanced Placement Courses, and Dual Enrollment Courses through the NWECS system. We are fortunate to have been able to upgrade our ITV lab through a RUS Grant that was approved.
The Winter School District offers a full complement of athletics and co-curricular activities including an Ice Fishing Team. The Winter High School Skills USA program is nationally known having made numerous trips to Nationals. The Winter School District students have been elected to statewide officer positions.
Pride in Our District
The Elementary and Middle Schools (Title I School-wide programs) have been awarded numerous New Wisconsin Promise-Schools of Recognition Awards.
The Winter School District continues to uphold high standards of education, even keeping in contact with Jeff Williams, whom graduated from Winter in 1976, and broke the record for the most days spent in orbit by an American, and still maintain communications to uplink with the International Space Station.
PBIS and RTI Interventions
The Response to Intervention programming affords students and teachers time to intervene and enrich student learning (RTI).
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports are in place and are continued through hard work and dedication our staff- it respectfully continues to uphold and to teach our youth the pride and honor of being a Winter Warrior.
Future Plans
We are transitioning our technology education program to include elements of a Fabrication Lab. We are continually working on and researching funding opportunities. A strong partnership exists between the disciplines of Art, Media, Science, and Technology.
Finances and Facilities
The Winter School District is debt free. We made the last bond payment on the 1997 building referendum. We used capital reserves to pay off our WRS Unfunded Pension Liability.
We ensure efficient, innovative, and effective use of district resources to promote collaboration and inspire excellence in teaching and learning.